Касса Crypto Exchanger

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BTC iconBitcoin (BTC) 1 32 292 710.830923 CCARD iconVisa/MasterCard KZT
ADVCASH iconAdvanced Cash RUB 108.47170456 1 USDT iconTether TRC20 (USDT)
MIRPAY iconMIR Card [RU] RUB 107.60462478 1 USDT iconTether TRC20 (USDT)
MIRPAY iconMIR Card [RU] RUB 7 763 065.6981912 1 BTC iconBitcoin (BTC)
TINKOFF iconT-Bank (Tinkoff) [RU] RUB 109.47523356 1 USDT iconTether TRC20 (USDT)
SBP iconSBP [RU] RUB 7 832 034.6281151 1 BTC iconBitcoin (BTC)
CCARD iconVisa/MasterCard RUB 107.60462478 1 USDT iconTether TRC20 (USDT)
BANK iconRaiffeisen [RU] RUB 7 724 346.8243611 1 BTC iconBitcoin (BTC)
CCARD iconVisa/MasterCard RUB 7 724 346.8243611 1 BTC iconBitcoin (BTC)
ADVCASH iconAdvanced Cash RUB 8 131 932.7920973 1 BTC iconBitcoin (BTC)

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