Exchange NEAR Protocol (NEAR) for Cash USD

The best rates from reliable crypto exchangers where you can buy Cash USD

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is a decentralized platform for blockchain applications designed for high performance and scalability. It uses sharding technology, which allows it to distribute the load across the network and process a large number of transactions simultaneously. NEAR is focused on simplifying the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and offers developer-friendly tools and documentation. The main goal of the platform is to make blockchain accessible and easy to use for the mass market, while ensuring security and decentralization.


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Popular exchange directions: Buy Bitcoin for Rubles, for Hryvnia, for Tenge. Sell Bitcoin for Rubles, for Hryvnia, for Tenge

Exchange conditions

The exchanger does not fix the rate at the time of the creation of the application
Manual transaction processing
The indicated exchange rate includes a certain commission
User verification may be required
Verification of the customer's bank card may be required
Requires user registration on the site of the exchanger
Another payment system for receiving funds